The Anxious Developer: Mindful Week


"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates

Hey Reader,

I hope your weekend is going well and you are doing something nice for yourself this weekend. As we approach the week ahead, I wanted to check in and share with you some things that I found useful this week and that you might find helpful too!

What I meditate to

Before I start my day, I make sure to meditate for at least 10-20 minutes in order to calm my mind and improve my mindfulness practice during work.

I have been doing this meditation for gratitude for a while and find it to be very helpful. However, I don’t do it every morning as sometimes I just like to do non-guided meditations like Anapana meditation for example.

What I am listening to

This week I came across this video: "How Quitting YouTube Changed His Life" about Social Media/YouTube and how it affected Matt Dahlia(one of the founding members of Yes Theory).

I found it to be very interesting and insightful. It made me more aware of my habits and things to look for when posting on Social Media or spending too much time on it.

What I am trying

After my wife got a new iPad Air and seeing Tim Ferris trying out drawing on his iPad too, I got inspired to try drawing myself.

So I downloaded Procreate and started practicing drawing. I haven’t draw since I was a kid, so the progress is super slow, but I am enjoying the process!

At the moment, I am trying to improve my skills in drawing 3D shapes as they are essential in drawing more complex objects like characters.

What I am working on

This week, all my focus was on redesigning my blog and making it easier for readers to find my latest articles. The website has already been updated so you can already see the changes by accessing my blog on. Check it down below!

Also, I have added a few components on the website so readers can subscribe to The Anxious Developer Program and The Anxious Developer Newsletter directly from my website.

You can check this short reel I made on my Instagram page of me coding the Newsletter component. 😁

Closing thoughts

This weekend was a lot of fun for me, me and my wife had the opportunity to see a lot of turtles while snorkeling in the ocean!

It was such a cool experience and peaceful at the same time! Next thing I am focused on is to try Freediving and getting certified in order to explore the ocean in even more cool ways!

I hope you can do something for yourself this week too that will bring peace and prepare you for the week ahead.

I will leave you with a inspirational clip from Tim Ferris’s podcast on how taking time away from your work can actually improve your focus when you come back to it!

Let me know what did you do during this week and what insights did you have by replying to this email! I make sure to check all of them!

— Andrei

Let's connect! 💬 You can find me on Instagram and Twitter.

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