New Episode of The Anxious Developer Podcast!

"Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strength." - Corrie Ten Boom

Hey Reader,

First of all, I apologize for missing last week's issue. But I can promise you it was worth the wait!

I was quite busy being on the move and on top of it I was recording and preparing the new episode for The Anxious Developer Podcast.

New Podcast Episode

We had such an amazing conversation with Brock Predovich about "How to Deal with Stress as a Startup Founder". Brock is a serial entrepreneur who has raised over $800k in venture capital across multiple companies for the last 2 decades. He also currently runs an MVP Agency called 7Onyx.

He shared his personal journey of being an Entrepreneur with all the ups and downs along the way. He also shared a lot of insights on how he managed to deal with Stress and overcome Anxiety while being a Startup Founder.

Every time we sit to talk with Brock, we always dive deep into the topic and that's what I most like about it!

Also, a fun fact: for this episode, I didn't plan too much on the things we were about to talk about. And to my surprise, it went even better than before as I didn't really overthink it and just trusted the process!

It's now available!

The episode is now available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and Other Platforms of your liking!

You can also watch it directly on YouTube by clicking the link below! 👇

⭐ If you liked this episode, make sure to leave a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, it’s the best way for you to let me know what can I improve!

I also want to use this opportunity to share with you how grateful I am to you for reading my newsletter and engaging with my content!

I send my deepest appreciation and love to you. Hope you are having an amazing rest of the week! Love you! ❤️

— Andrei

Let's connect! 💬 You can find me on Instagram and Twitter.

🙏 Overcome Anxiety as a Software Developer!

Over the course of 4 weeks, I will guide you through weekly videos and daily tasks aimed at identifying the root cause of your anxiety and providing you with effective tools and techniques on how to overcome it. Let’s make writing code fun again!

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